Wednesday, February 16, 2011

the Descent

                Standing at the top of the towering mountains the bottom of my board moistens, like a salivating dog expecting a biscuit, ready to carve its imprint into the untouched slopes. “Click, Click, Click, and a Snap” I tighten my bindings until the flow of blood rushes away from my feet.  My heart rate races as the adrenal glands release epinephrine in preparation for the descent.  A red tint from my goggles deters the suns attempt to blind me.  The slight traces of water vapor leaving my mouth quickly vanish right before my eyes.  Gravity begins to slowly pull me down the hill and eventually I give in.  In a matter of seconds I am plummeting towards the earth.  Shifting my weight back and forth I begin to make S’s in the soft powder, shattered snow left in my wake.  The screeching of ice against the edges of my board breaks the serenity of the mountain.
                Silence… I begin to travel through the air fluttering my arms in an effort to regain balance.  Seconds pass as I visualize the landing, bending my knees to absorb the impact.  “Thud” I stomp the landing and come to as quick a halt as my momentum will allow.  
Looking back up the mountain I see what I have done.  The undisturbed slope has been altered.  Only I can tell the difference as the snowflakes continue to fall.  Soon my path will be covered erasing any traces of disturbance, but I know the truth.   

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