Sunday, November 21, 2010

What Am I?

I'm light, but I have no light
I'm big and yet small
I'm distant and close
I circle but don't spin
I can be showing but not seen
What am I?

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Letter to the US

Dear Parents,
            I am in Austria hiking the beautiful mountains and going everywhere I can on foot. It has been an amazing and a tough journey. I am at the end of my trip and I have found something life changing.
            I was walking through a dense forest full of life and death. Everything felt so different, so magical. I lost my sense of direction and reckoned I should head back to civilization but something kept pulling me in. I was exhausted and starving but my body would not be led off its track. I was at the brink of death when I saw a beautiful opening in the middle of the dense forest.
            As I walked onto the patch of grass, I saw a gorgeous dining table and a massive refrigerator in the middle of the opening. Before I had the chance to ask why such things were there, I flew over to the refrigerator and opened its gigantic doors. As the gates opened, I felt like my bones had turned to jelly and my brain had turned into liquids. I examined all of the food in the cool closet and my mouth started to water immensely when I set my eyes upon a steak big enough to feed our whole family. All cooked and ready, the steak tempted my stomach. And just by instincts, I grabbed the steak and took it to the dining table to devour it. As soon as I took the first bite, I was in love. Every bite I took, I fell more intensely in love. But before I knew it, I was down to the last bite and a wave of sorrow drowned me in tears.
            I walked over to the refrigerator again after the last bite and opened the door. What I saw blew me out of my mind and a drop of water trickled down my face. I saw another massive steak. I fell in love with that refrigerator that day and I intend to stay with my love for the rest of my life. I wish not to leave this place until death does us apart. This is goodbye.

                                                                                                Your Son.

Haiku to Harry Potter

You have changed my life
Your black hair and bright green eyes
Love is your magic

~ Anna

Pumpkin Carving WINNER

And the winner of the pumpkin carving contest is........

a junior from the Warrenton campus

 Congratulations Kyle!!

Both campuses, be on the lookout for our next contest!

~MVGS Blog Team

Monday, November 1, 2010

The Little Things

Be sure that you appreciate
everything you've got
Be thankful for the little things
in life that mean a lot
